Ham radio is a multifaceted hobby. Whenever you find yourself starting to get bored, another facet shows itself, and off you go. Contesting is one of the main ham radio activities. It boosts your technical knowledge and improves your radio operating skills. If you like to collect things, then contesting may be for you – you can collect awards like Worked All States. The Worked All States (WAS) Award is available to all amateurs worldwide who submit proof with written confirmation of contacts with each of the 50 states of the United States of America. See the ARRL page for more information: http://www.arrl.org/was. There are numerous awards out there, and WAS is just one of them.
There are phone contests, CW contests, you name it. The monthly ARRL Contest Corral Calendar is published in the QST magazine for those who are members, or you can find the schedule online – see our amateur radio links page for additional information. Check with Ray, WA6OWM, for upcoming CW contests.
The SBARC WAM Award – 2018 Quarter 1:
Worked All Members is a new contest that is now in progress. The rules are simple. Work as many SBARC club members during the time period (January 18, 2018 to March 31, 2018). One point for each club member worked. You can only receive one point for each club member, so working a club member on a different frequency or mode would not give you more points. Logs are submitted to Ed Hinz, KN6JN, at kn6jn@aol.com. Paper logs are due by April 15, 2018 in order to participate.
We will be holding WAM contests with different rules in April, July, and October. The top three operators collecting the most points for the year will receive prizes. Here is a tip for one of the future WAM contests. Prepare some QSL cards.
So get on the air, become radioactive, join the net on Thursdays, and bring your HT to the club meetings or bring two and work everyone in attendance. Remember to log your contacts and have fun.
The SBARC WAM Award – 2018 Quarter 2:
In this the second part of four contests, the rules are as follows:
– Work a SBARC club member for one point
– SBARC W6SBA repeater contacts count as two points
– Multiple contacts on the same mode or band will not count as additional points
On May 2 2018, I work Fredrick on 220 Mhz simplex FM (1 point). I then work Fredrick on 220 Mhz on Packet (1 point). I then work Fredrick on 220 Mhz on CW (1 point). I then work Fredrick on the SBARC repeater (2 points). On May 4, 2018, I work Fredrick on the SBARC repeater (no points) and I work Fredrick on 220 Mhz simplex Packet and CW (no points). This assumes Fredrick is a SBARC member.
Reminder to print up some QSL cards for the fourth quarter. Make them look beautiful.
Good luck and have fun.
73, Ed kn6jn@aol.com
The SBARC WAM Award – 2018 Quarter 3:
In this the third part of four contests, the rules are as follows:
– Work a SBARC Club member for one (1) point. For additional points, work the same member on a different mode or band.
– W6SBA repeater contacts count as five (5) points.
– A question has come up about contacts made during the SBARC Net (Thursdays at 7:30 p.m.). WAM contacts are encouraged during the net, but should occur after the official net is concluded.
– Eyeball contacts count as two (2) points. Contacts for each member at different locations will be an additional two (2) points. You can only have one contact for the swap meet, one for the club meeting, one for the picnic, etc. during the quarter.
– Be aware, multiple contacts for the same member, on the same mode or band, will not count as additional contacts.
So there you have it. Turn in your logs for the 2nd quarter on or before the July 19, 2018 meeting.
If you have any questions and need clarification, please contact Ed-KN6JN at kn6jn@aol.com
Good luck in the contest.
Event Listings
SBARC Field Day June 23/24, 2018
This year the South Bay Amateur Radio Club’s Field Day activities began at 2:30 PM on 6/22/2018, the Friday afternoon before it started. We met at Joe’s QTH to load 2 trucks and 2 SUVs [...]
Christmas Poinsettia Delivery 2017
The club has held its annual Christmas dinner in the Torrance Memorial Medical Center (TMMC) meeting room for the last several years. It consisted of a pot luck dinner and an awards ceremony. At each [...]
JOTA 2017
The club supported the annual Jamboree on the air (JOTA) Boy Scout event on October 21, 2017 this year. The day dawned pleasant and I headed out for the Cabrillo Youth center about 7:30 AM. [...]