The South Bay Amateur Radio Club is an active Service organization. Because of this, opportunities for giving back to the club and the community run the entire gamut from simple to time consuming. If you are looking for opportunities to volunteer, please consider the following:
Event Listings
SBARC Field Day June 23/24, 2018
This year the South Bay Amateur Radio Club’s Field Day activities began at 2:30 PM on 6/22/2018, the Friday afternoon before it started. We met at Joe’s QTH to load 2 trucks and 2 SUVs [...]
Christmas Poinsettia Delivery 2017
The club has held its annual Christmas dinner in the Torrance Memorial Medical Center (TMMC) meeting room for the last several years. It consisted of a pot luck dinner and an awards ceremony. At each [...]
JOTA 2017
The club supported the annual Jamboree on the air (JOTA) Boy Scout event on October 21, 2017 this year. The day dawned pleasant and I headed out for the Cabrillo Youth center about 7:30 AM. [...]