Frequently Asked Questions

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Frequently Asked Questions2017-11-13T07:17:14-08:00
I can see the Facebook Feed, but if I follow the link I still can’t view the full post2017-11-16T15:23:31-08:00

Currently the website displays the three most recent Facebook posts from our club Facebook page.  You can also click the “F” icon at the bottom of the navigation bar and you will be directed to our Facebook page.  You need to be a registered member of the Facebook page to view the content.  Please just click on request to join.  That will generate an email to our Facebook Admin, and they will approve your request.  Once you are notified that you have been approved, you will be able to view all site content.

How can I Submit an Article for Publication on the Website?2017-11-16T14:59:59-08:00

Please submit all articles to  At this time we are only publishing articles written by club members.  The webmaster will review, proof, and publish articles on a first come first serve basis.  If the article presents any issues, it will be reviewed at the next council meeting, and a determination will be made regarding publishing.

What are the services offered by the W6SBA Club?2017-11-02T12:26:15-07:00

The W6SBA Club is a general interest ham radio club which focuses on:  VHF/UHF, DX, Digital Modes, Repeaters, Contests, School and Youth Groups as well as Public Service/Emergency Work.  The W6SBA Club publishes a monthly newsletter known as The ARCOver, and holds a weekly net.  Club members participate in Field Day, Jamboree on the Air (JOTA), and the local HamCon.  The Club provides mentors and it sponsors various VE Test Sessions for ham licensing.

How can I get a SBARC badge?2017-11-02T12:21:37-07:00

SBARC badges are available for sale and the cost is now $10.00 + tax.  Just provide Joe with your first name and call in person or via email.

What is the SBARC Council?2017-11-16T14:52:00-08:00

The SBARC Council is the Board of Directors for the Club.  Council members are elected every year in December.  The Council meets monthly on the first Thursday from 7:30 – 9:30.  The meeting is run formally, votes are taken, minutes document everything.  The Council plans and organizes club events for the year.  If you have been a club member for over a year, consider running as a general council member, and see all of the good you can do in a year.

I’m not a member – how can I join the club?2017-11-16T14:55:55-08:00

The easiest way to become a member of the club is to attend our monthly meeting, fill out a membership form, and pay dues using a personal check or cash.  All membership applications are reviewed at the next council meeting.

Application and payment can also be mailed to our Post Office Box listed under the contacts section.

How to upload your photo for your online club account?2017-11-02T12:19:44-07:00


How to create/log in to your online club account?2017-11-16T15:09:54-08:00

The website maintains a section for registered members.  This section includes photo galleries, etc. that are not available to the general public.  To register to become a website member, please click the yellow register button on the bottom of the navigation bar and then complete and submit the form.

To clarify, registering to become a member of the site is different from joining the club itself.  As this is a new site, one of our first continuous improvement efforts will be to distinguish between these two items so that it’s evident when viewing the home page.

Once you are registered, you can easily log into the site by clicking on Log In at the top of the Navigation Bar.  Enter your username and password, and then complete the simple math box.  The “ReCaptcha” math box helps us keep web site mischief down, as scripts will not be able to automatically logon to our site.

Where exactly is the meeting located & where can I park?2017-11-02T12:19:22-07:00

The meeting is located at the TMMC, Healthcare Conference Center, Room 1.  Torrance Memorial has two parking structure, these instructions are for parking in the West Parking Structure.  The location is easily accessed off of Lomita Boulevard, by turning South on Medical Center Drive (N.B. this street is named Early Ave. going the opposite direction).  After exiting the parking structure, the Healthcare Conference Room will be found directly outside, across the parking structure driveway on your right side.

What is a typical club meeting like?2017-11-02T12:19:06-07:00


How can I get SBARC Club Gear?2017-11-02T15:09:13-07:00

SBARC branded hats, shirts, hoodies, and jackets are ordered approximately once every year or two, usually before a big event like HamCon.  If you are interested in getting on the list for our next purchase of gear, please let someone in the council know and we will add you to the list.

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