

Konstantin (Kostek) G.S. Hausman, K6MNA

By |2018-05-03T14:57:05-07:00May 3rd, 2018|Categories: Remembrance|

In Remembrance of Konstantin (Kostek) G.S. Hausman:  5/19/1931- 8/31/2017 Kostek was born in Mannheim, Germany and immigrated with his parents and sister Ada to America after WWII as a part of “Operation Paperclip”.  This was a secret program of the [...]

Richard Perkins, W6ATT – SK

By |2018-02-19T08:17:50-08:00February 19th, 2018|Categories: Remembrance|

Dick was born in 1941, and earned his Extra Class license early in life. He had a passion for amateur radio, and joined our club in February 1976. Since day one, Dick was a proactive member, and became Vice President [...]

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